
Our Products


Coumaria Honey

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Honeysuckle honey contains the substance Arbutin which purifies the blood and regulates the level of cholesterol in it; increases cell life. It is very rich in trace elements and vitamins and is one of the best options for stimulating the body. The calories contained in kumaria honey are less than other honeys due to the low percentage of glucose and fructose and thus it is recommended in cases of dieting.

  • AVAILABLE IN WEIGHT: 250gr, 450gr, 950gr
  • PRODUCTION AREA: Lakka of Souli
  • CATEGORY Honey from honeydew
  • COLOR: Dark
  • FRAGRANCE: Very special fragrance
  • FLAVOR: Υπόπικρη γεύση .Θεωρείται το περισσότερο πικρό μέλι
  • CIRCULATION: Crystallization a few days after production late November to early December